Friday, April 3, 2009

WWJE: What Would Junior Eat?

Junior has days when he won't eat anything except for crackers, so I'm constantly on the look out for new lunch and dinner items. Here's a list of this week's favorites. Please share your ideas.

Baked eggs with shredded zucchini and cheese: whip up all the ingredients in a bowl, place in a small ramekin or other heat safe bowl and bake in oven or steam in beaba or steamer basket til cooked through.

Veggie bread: Use standard muffin recipe, then add 1 cup shredded green veggies (broccoli, squash, etc) and 1 cup shredded carrots. Bake in mini muffin or bread pan.

Baked sweet potato with chopped up whole wheat pasta and peas.

Tofu squares with tomato sauce.

Veggie burgers.

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