Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Soy Vey! Soy Formula Frought with Dangers

One more thing before we head out. Soy milk (including soy formula) consumed in large amounts sounds like it can have some pretty scary and unknown affects on babies and children.


Is there nothing left that is just plain safe to eat? For years we've been led to believe that soy is the ultimate health food, and now this...

I know a lot of people wean their babies off the breast and move towards soy milk. Based on what I've read, it seems like goat's milk or organic cow's milk would be a better bet.


Unknown said...

I would be a little bit skeptical about the 'DANGERS OF SOY.'

mommybrain said...

I know what you mean. Of all the things that are bad for you in the world, I doubt that soy is at the top of the list. I sure hope not, as tofu is a major part of our diet at home.

But what has been scaring me is the ambiguity out there about the effects of large quantities of soy consumed by very young people. Soy as a beverage is a western invention. And some babies are drinking a lot of it.

I would love to see more thorough testing by a group that is not paid for by the soy companies and not just some crazy soy alarmist.